Geriatric Distal Femur Fracture Management Protocols: A Review and Evidence-based Template


  • Anthony Gavalas Texas Tech University Health Science Center, El Paso, TX
  • Cody Perry Texas Tech University Health Science Center, Lubbock, TX
  • Mikel Tihista Texas Tech University Health Science Center, El Paso, TX
  • Adam Adler Texas Tech University Health Science Center, El Paso, TX
  • Richard Purcell Texas Tech University Health Science Center, El Paso, TX
  • Michael Polmear Texas Tech University Health Science Center, El Paso, TX



Code Femur, Geriatrics, pos-operative mortality, co-morbidity, distal femur fracture


Objectives: Provide a framework for the development of a “Code Femur” protocol for geriatric distal femur fractures.

Design: Literature Review and Evidence Based Note Templates

Intervention: Distal Femur Fracture Fixation and Medical Management

Main Outcome Measurement: Post operative Mortality

Results: Geriatric distal femur fractures are rising in number among osteoporotic fractures in the growing elderly population. Current hip fracture literature recommends fixation of proximal femur fractures in 24-48 hours to reduce mortality and the literature surrounding distal femur fractures in this population in trending in this direction as well. The goals of distal femur fracture surgery are early mobilization and fracture stabilization in addition to managing the multiple medical co-morbidities that these patients may have. This review discusses the treatment options available for geriatric distal femur fractures that allow for early mobilization and examines the benefits of early operative care.

Conclusion: Geriatric Distal Femur Fractures present similar challenges to management as the geriatric hip fracture and a proper understanding of medical co-management and early appropriate surgery through the development of a distal femur fracture program similar to hip benefits warrants consideration.

Level of Evidence: Level IV, Systematic Review

Keywords: Code Femur, Geriatric, Distal Femur Fracture, Post-operative Mortality, Co-Morbidity


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How to Cite

Gavalas, A., Perry, C. ., Tihista, M., Adler, A., Purcell, R., & Polmear, M. (2022). Geriatric Distal Femur Fracture Management Protocols: A Review and Evidence-based Template. Journal of Orthopaedic Business, 2(4), 14–23.



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