Orthopaedic Business is the Focus of 3.4% of Articles in Top General Orthopaedic Journals.





Business, management, human rescources, cost, value, efficiency


Objectives: The purpose of this study is to compare the proportion of business articles in top general orthopaedic journals.

Design: Review.

Intervention: Categorize all articles from general orthopaedic journals with top four H-Index.

Main outcome measurement: Articles categorized as payer analysis (PA), cost analysis (CA), value-based practice (VBP), Management and human resources (HR), practice efficiency (PE) and the business of scholarship (SC).

Results and conclusions: JBJS, B&JJ, CORR, and JAAOS were identified as top orthopaedic journals. All had some level of business scholarship with an average of 3.4% of articles dedicated to business, ranging from 2 to 7%.  Of business-related articles 27% of articles were cost analysis, 25% focused on practice efficiency, 22% on Value based practices, 16% payer analysis, 7% business of scholarship and 4% on human resources. The lack of scholarship regarding human resources represents a significant opportunity for improvement as a profession.

Level of Evidence: IV; Review

Keywords: Business, management, human resources, cost, value, efficiency.

(J Ortho Business 2021; 2:9-12)

Author Biography

Benjamin Childs

Texas Tech University Department of Orthopaedics

Editor: Journal of Orthopaedic Business


Gray RN. Disability and Cost of Industrial Fractures: a comparison based upon an impersonal study of statistics of fractures treated by the specially trained surgeon and the general practitioner. JBJS. 1928 Jan 1;10(1):27-39.


Flinn DC, Gurnea TP, Althausen PK. Financial Impact of the Surgical Treatment of Infection on the Practice of Orthopedic Trauma. Journal of Orthopaedic Business. 2021 Jun 1;1(1):1-3.

Green C, Polmear M, Dunn J, Parnes N, Scanaliato J. Care of low-income patients with sports injuries disincentivized by government reimbursement. Journal of Orthopaedic Business. 2021 Jun 1;1(1):4-7.

Green C, Polmear M, Parnes N, Dunn J, Scanaliato J. Could H Index be a Beneficial Prospective Promotion Metric? H-Index Retrospectively Correlates with Higher Academic Rank Among Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons Affiliated with Fellowship Programs. Journal of Orthopaedic Business. 2021 Oct 1;1(2):1-4.

Wells M, Klahs K, Polmear M, Nesti L, Dunn J. Free-vascularized bone grafts for scaphoid non-unions viable as outpatient procedure? No 30-day complications in NSQIP data. Journal of Orthopaedic Business. 2021 Oct 1;1(2):5-8.


Ready DA, Conger JA. Make your company a talent factory. Harvard business review. 2007 Jun 1;85(6):68.

Bozic KJ, Wright JG. Value-based healthcare and orthopaedic surgery: editorial comment. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®. 2012 Apr;470(4):1004-5.

Miner H, Koenig K, Bozic KJ. Value-based Healthcare: Not going anywhere—why orthopaedic surgeons will continue using telehealth in a post-COVID-19 world. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®. 2020 Nov 24(12):2717.

Porter ME. What is value in health care. N Engl J Med. 2010 Dec 23;363(26):2477-81.

Rajan PV, Qudsi RA, Wolf LL, Losina E. Cost-effectiveness analyses in orthopaedic surgery: Raising the bar. The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume. 2017 Jul 5;99(13):e71.

Obremskey WT, Emery SE, Alman BA. Challenges and Solutions to Academic Orthopaedics in Current Health-Care Economics: AOA Critical Issues. JBJS. 2020 May 6;102(9):e38.

Vaughn NH, Hassenbein SE, Black KP, Armstrong AD. Important elements in the quality improvement curriculum for orthopaedic residents. JBJS. 2019 Apr 3;101(7):e28.

Shaath MK, Avilucea FR, Lim PK, Warner SJ, Achor TS. Increasing fellow recruitment: how can fellowship program websites be optimized?. JAAOS-Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 2020 Dec 15;28(24):e1105-10.

Kazarian GS, Lonner JH, Maltenfort MG, Ghomrawi HM, Chen AF. Cost-effectiveness of surgical and nonsurgical treatments for unicompartmental knee arthritis: a Markov model. JBJS. 2018 Oct 3;100(19):1653-60.

Baumgarten KM, Chang PS, Looby PA, McKenzie MJ, Rothrock CP. Do more expensive total knee arthroplasty prostheses provide greater improvements in outcomes over less expensive prostheses sold by a physician-owned distributorship?. JAAOS-Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 2019 Dec 1;27(23):e1059-67.

Labrum JT, Paziuk T, Rihn TC, Hilibrand AS, Vaccaro AR, Maltenfort MG, Rihn JA. Does Medicaid insurance confer adequate access to adult orthopaedic care in the era of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act?. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®. 2017 Jun 1;475(6):1527-36.

Congiusta DV, Amer KM, Merchant AM, Vosbikian MM, Ahmed IH. Is Insurance Status Associated with the Likelihood of Operative Treatment of Clavicle Fractures?. Clinical orthopaedics and related research. 2019 Dec;477(12):2620.

Hendrickson SB, Simske NM, DaSilva KA, Vallier HA. Improvement in outpatient follow-up with a postdischarge phone call intervention. JAAOS-Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 2020 Sep 15;28(18):e815-22.

Simske NM, Benedick A, Rascoe AS, Hendrickson SB, Vallier HA. Patient satisfaction is improved with exposure to trauma recovery services. JAAOS-Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 2020 Jul 15;28(14):597-605

Schultz BJ, Bishop JA, Hall K, Finlay A, Gardner MJ. Early Postoperative Radiographs Have No Effect on Orthopaedic Trauma Patient's Satisfaction With Their Clinic Visit. JAAOS-Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 2020 Feb 1;28(3):e125-30.

Bauer JM, Yanamadala V, Shah SA, Sethi RK. Two surgeon approach for complex spine surgery: rationale, outcome, expectations, and the case for payment reform. JAAOS-Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 2019 May 1;27(9):e408-13.

Boddapati V, Sachdev R, Fu MC, Camp CL, Marx RG, Dines JS. Increasing industry support is associated with higher research productivity in orthopaedic surgery. JBJS. 2018 Mar 21;100(6):e36.

Nwachukwu BU, Schairer WW, So C, Bernstein JL, Herndon J, Dodwell ER. The early impact of an administrative processing fee on manuscript submissions at The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery. JBJS. 2016 Oct 5;98(19):e82.

Orthopaedic business articles 2016-2020

Blank AT, Lerman DM, Patel NM, Rapp TB. Is prophylactic intervention more cost-effective than the treatment of pathologic fractures in metastatic bone disease?. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®. 2016 Jul;474(7):1563-70.

Meller MM, Toossi N, Gonzalez MH, Son MS, Lau EC, Johanson N. Surgical risks and costs of care are greater in patients who are super obese and undergoing THA. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®. 2016 Nov;474(11):2472-81.

Akhavan S, Ward L, Bozic KJ. Time-driven activity-based costing more accurately reflects costs in arthroplasty surgery. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®. 2016 Jan 1;474(1):8-15.

Courtney PM, Ashley BS, Hume EL, Kamath AF. Are bundled payments a viable reimbursement model for revision total joint arthroplasty?. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®. 2016 Dec;474(12):2714-21.

Kurtz SM, Lau E, Ong KL, Katz JN, Bozic KJ. Universal health insurance coverage in Massachusetts did not change the trajectory of arthroplasty use or costs. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®. 2016 May 1;474(5):1090-8.

Jennings JD, Ciaravino SG, Ramsey FV, Haydel C. Physicians’ attire influences patients’ perceptions in the urban outpatient orthopaedic surgery setting. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®. 2016 Sep;474(9):1908-18.

Bal BS, Brenner LH. The law and social values: Medical necessity and criminal prosecution. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®. 2016 Apr 1;474(4):887-91.

Swart E, Vasudeva E, Makhni EC, Macaulay W, Bozic KJ. Dedicated perioperative hip fracture comanagement programs are cost-effective in high-volume centers: an economic analysis. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®. 2016 Jan 1;474(1):222-33.

Lundy DW. A day at the office: is private practice orthopaedic surgery dead?. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®. 2016 Nov;474(11):2354-6.

Koenig L, Zhang Q, Austin MS, Demiralp B, Fehring TK, Feng C, Mather RC, Nguyen JT, Saavoss A, Springer BD, Yates AJ. Estimating the societal benefits of THA after accounting for work status and productivity: a Markov model approach. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®. 2016 Dec;474(12):2645-54.

Bhat SB, Lazarus M, Getz C, Williams GR, Namdari S. Economic decision model suggests total shoulder arthroplasty is superior to hemiarthroplasty in young patients with end-stage shoulder arthritis. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®. 2016 Nov;474(11):2482-92.

Bozic KJ, Ong K, Kurtz S, Lau E, Vail TP, Rubash H, Berry D. Short-term risk of revision THA in the Medicare population has not improved with time. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®. 2016 Jan 1;474(1):156-63.

Beredjiklian PK. Shelf pricing for distal radius fracture implants. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®. 2017 Mar 1;475(3):595-6.

Kurtz SM, Lau EC, Ong KL, Adler EM, Kolisek FR, Manley MT. Which clinical and patient factors influence the national economic burden of hospital readmissions after total joint arthroplasty?. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®. 2017 Dec;475(12):2926-37.

Pathak S, Ganduglia CM, Awad SS, Chan W, Swint JM, Morgan RO. What factors are associated with 90-day episode-of-care payments for younger patients with total joint arthroplasty?. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®. 2017 Nov;475(11):2808-18.

Westermann RW, Schick C, Graves CM, Duchman KR, Weinstein SL. What does a shoulder MRI cost the consumer?. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®. 2017 Mar 1;475(3):580-4.

Labrum JT, Paziuk T, Rihn TC, Hilibrand AS, Vaccaro AR, Maltenfort MG, Rihn JA. Does Medicaid insurance confer adequate access to adult orthopaedic care in the era of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act?. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®. 2017 Jun 1;475(6):1527-36.

Schoenfeld AJ, Makanji H, Jiang W, Koehlmoos T, Bono CM, Haider AH. Is there variation in procedural utilization for lumbar spine disorders between a fee-for-service and salaried healthcare system?. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®. 2017 Dec;475(12):2838-44.

Brenner LH, Teo WZ, Bal BS. Medicolegal Sidebar: Expanding Hospital Liability—The Concept of Willful Blindness. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®. 2017 May 1;475(5):1315-8.

Vetter TR, Uhler LM, Bozic KJ. Value-based healthcare: Preoperative assessment and global optimization (PASS-GO): Improving value in total joint replacement care. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®. 2017 Aug;475(8):1958-62.

Lundy DW. A day at the office: political advocacy and private practice. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®. 2017 Feb 1;475(2):331-3.

Zywiel MG, Liu TC, Bozic KJ. Value-based healthcare: The challenge of identifying and addressing low-value interventions. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®. 2017 May 1;475(5):1305-8.

Parisi TJ, Konopka JF, Bedair HS. What is the long-term economic societal effect of periprosthetic infections after THA? A Markov analysis. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®. 2017 Jul;475(7):1891-900.

Du JY, Rascoe AS, Marcus RE. The growing executive-physician wage gap in major US nonprofit hospitals and burden of nonclinical workers on the US healthcare system. Clinical orthopaedics and related research. 2018 Oct;476(10):1910.

Gil JA, Goodman AD, Kleiner J, Kamal RN, Baker LC, Akelman E. The affordable care act decreased the proportion of uninsured patients in a safety net orthopaedic clinic. Clinical orthopaedics and related research. 2018 May;476(5):925.

Sanghavi S. CORR International-Asia Pacific: Is Price Capping of Knee Replacement Implants in India a Good Idea?. Clinical orthopaedics and related research. 2018 Mar;476(3):469.

Teo WZ, Brenner LH, Bal BS. Medicolegal sidebar: unnecessary medical care and physician liability. Clinical orthopaedics and related research. 2018 Dec;476(12):2322.

Leyton-Mange A, Andrawis J, Bozic KJ. Value-based healthcare: A surgeon value scorecard to improve value in total joint replacement. Clinical orthopaedics and related research. 2018 May;476(5):934.

Keswani A, Sheikholeslami N, Bozic KJ. Value-based healthcare: Applying time-driven activity-based costing in orthopaedics. Clinical orthopaedics and related research. 2018 Dec;476(12):2318.

Winegar AL, Moxham J, Erlinger TP, Bozic KJ. Value-based Healthcare: Measuring What Matters—Engaging Surgeons to Make Measures Meaningful and Improve Clinical Practice. Clinical orthopaedics and related research. 2018 Sep;476(9):1704.

Dandu N, Zmistowski B, Chen AF, Chapman T, Howley M. How are Electronic Health Records Associated with Provider Productivity and Billing in Orthopaedic Surgery?. Clinical orthopaedics and related research. 2019 Nov;477(11):2443.

Pathak S, Snyder D, Kroshus T, Keswani A, Jayakumar P, Esposito K, Koenig K, Jevsevar D, Bozic K, Moucha C. What are the uses and limitations of time-driven activity-based costing in total joint replacement?. Clinical orthopaedics and related research. 2019 Sep;477(9):2071.

Hernandez NM, Fruth KM, Larson DR, Kremers HM, Sierra RJ. Conversion of hemiarthroplasty to THA carries an increased risk of reoperation compared with primary and revision THA. Clinical orthopaedics and related research. 2019 Jun;477(6):1392.

Murphy WS, Cheng T, Lin B, Terry D, Murphy SB. Higher volume surgeons have lower Medicare payments, readmissions, and mortality after THA. Clinical orthopaedics and related research. 2019 Feb;477(2):334.

Congiusta DV, Amer KM, Merchant AM, Vosbikian MM, Ahmed IH. Is Insurance Status Associated with the Likelihood of Operative Treatment of Clavicle Fractures?. Clinical orthopaedics and related research. 2019 Dec;477(12):2620.

Lundy DW. A Day at the Office: Private practice and private equity. Clinical orthopaedics and related research. 2019 May;477(5):955.

Lundy DW. A day at the office: dynamic employee engagement can reduce your private practice’s overhead expenses. Clinical orthopaedics and related research. 2019 Feb;477(2):290.

Jayakumar P, Moore ML, Bozic KJ. Value-based Healthcare: Can Artificial Intelligence Provide Value in Orthopaedic Surgery?. Clinical orthopaedics and related research. 2019 Aug;477(8):1777.

Jiang SY, Kaufman DJ, Chien BY, Longoria M, Shachter R, Bishop JA. Prophylactic Fixation Can Be Cost-effective in Preventing a Contralateral Bisphosphonate-associated Femur Fracture. Clinical orthopaedics and related research. 2019 Mar;477(3):480.

Waldrop VH, Laverty DC, Bozic KJ. Value-based Healthcare: Increasing Value by Reducing Implant-related Health Care Costs. Clinical orthopaedics and related research. 2019 Feb;477(2):281.

Dwivedi N, Breslin MA, McDermott A, Lin S, Vallier HA, Tornetta III P. What Is the Financial Impact of Orthopaedic Sequelae of Intravenous Drug Use on Urban Tertiary-care Centers?. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®. 2020 Oct 1;478(10):2202-12.

Wiznia DH, Schneble CA, O’Connor MI, Ibrahim SA. Musculoskeletal urgent care centers in Connecticut restrict patients with medicaid insurance based on policy and location. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®. 2020 Jul 1;478(7):1443-9.

Young JD, Dee EC, Levine A, Sturgeon DJ, Koehlmoos TP, Schoenfeld AJ. Does Universal Insurance and Access to Care Influence Disparities in Outcomes for Pediatric Patients with Osteomyelitis?. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®. 2020 Jul 1;478(7):1432-9.

Murphy EP, Fenelon C, Murphy RP, O’Sullivan MD, Pomeroy E, Sheehan E, Moore DP. Are virtual fracture clinics during the COVID-19 pandemic a potential alternative for delivering fracture care? A systematic review. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®. 2020 Nov 1;478(11):2610-21.

Bernstein J. Not the Last Word: Surprise Medical Bills are Hardly Charitable. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®. 2020 Oct 1;478(10):2213-7.

Rabah NM, Knusel KD, Khan HA, Marcus RE. Are There Nationwide Socioeconomic and Demographic Disparities in the Use of Outpatient Orthopaedic Services?. A Publication of The Association of Bone and Joint Surgeons®| CORR®. 2020 May 1;478(5):979-89.

Lundy DW. A Day at the Office: Will the Solo-to-Small Orthopaedic Practice Go Extinct?. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®. 2020 Mar 1;478(3):476-7.

Hwang R, Park HY, Sheppard W, Bernthal NM. Delayed diagnosis is the primary cause of sarcoma litigation: analysis of malpractice claims in the United States. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®. 2020 Oct 1;478(10):2239-53.

Forrester LA, Seo LJ, Gonzalez LJ, Zhao C, Friedlander S, Chu A. Men receive three times more industry payments than women academic orthopaedic surgeons, even after controlling for confounding variables. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®. 2020 Jul 1;478(7):1593-9.

Albright RH, Joseph RM, Wukich DK, Armstrong DG, Fleischer AE. Is Reconstruction of Unstable Midfoot Charcot Neuroarthropathy Cost Effective from a US Payer’s Perspective?. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®. 2020 Dec 1;478(12):2869-88.

Zhang S, Vora M, Harris AH, Baker L, Curtin C, Kamal RN. Cost-minimization analysis of open and endoscopic carpal tunnel release. JBJS. 2016 Dec 7;98(23):1970-7.

Carnes KJ, Odum SM, Troyer JL, Fehring TK. Cost analysis of ceramic heads in primary total hip arthroplasty. JBJS. 2016 Nov 2;98(21):1794-800.

Weick JW, Bawa HS, Dirschl DR. Hyaluronic acid injections for treatment of advanced osteoarthritis of the knee: utilization and cost in a national population sample. JBJS. 2016 Sep 7;98(17):1429-35.

Levin PE. Utilizing health-care resources wisely: understanding the efficacy of our interventions: commentary on an article by Nattapol Tammachote, MD, MSc, et al.:“Intra-articular, single-shot hylan GF 20 hyaluronic acid injection compared with corticosteroid in knee osteoarthritis. a double-blind, randomized controlled trial”. JBJS. 2016 Jun 1;98(11):e47.

Martin JR, Camp CL, Stitz A, Young EY, Abdel MP, Taunton MJ, Trousdale RT. Noninvasive hemoglobin monitoring: a rapid, reliable, and cost-effective method following total joint replacement. JBJS. 2016 Mar 2;98(5):349-55.

Iyer S, Derman P, Sandhu HS. Orthopaedics and the Physician Payments Sunshine Act: an examination of payments to US orthopaedic surgeons in the Open Payments Database. JBJS. 2016 Mar 2;98(5):e18.

Greenwald AS, Bassano A, Wiggins S, Froimson MI. Alternative reimbursement models: bundled payment and beyond: AOA critical issues. JBJS. 2016 Jun 1;98(11):e45.

Mercuri JJ, Bosco JA, Iorio R, Schwarzkopf R. The ethics of patient cost-sharing for total joint arthroplasty implants. JBJS. 2016 Dec 21;98(24):e111.

Padegimas EM, Verma K, Zmistowski B, Rothman RH, Purtill JJ, Howley M. Medicare reimbursement for total joint arthroplasty: the driving forces. JBJS. 2016 Jun 15;98(12):1007-13.

Virk SS, Phillips FM, Khan SN. Reimbursement related to a 90-day episode of care for a one or two-level anterior cervical discectomy and fusion. JBJS. 2016 Aug 17;98(16):1378-84.

Pearson AM, Martin BI, Lindsey M, Mirza SK. C2 vertebral fractures in the Medicare population: incidence, outcomes, and costs. JBJS. 2016 Mar 16;98(6):449-56.

Zhang AL, Sing DC, Dang DY, Ma CB, Black D, Vail TP, Feeley BT. Overlapping surgery in the ambulatory orthopaedic setting. The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume. 2016 Nov 16;98(22):1859.

Nwachukwu BU, Schairer WW, So C, Bernstein JL, Herndon J, Dodwell ER. The early impact of an administrative processing fee on manuscript submissions at The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery. JBJS. 2016 Oct 5;98(19):e82.

Bosco J, Iorio R, Barber T, Barron C, Caplan A. Ethics of the physician’s role in health-care cost control: AOA critical issues. JBJS. 2016 Jul 20;98(14):e58.

McLawhorn AS, Southren D, Wang YC, Marx RG, Dodwell ER. Cost-effectiveness of bariatric surgery prior to total knee arthroplasty in the morbidly obese: a computer model-based evaluation. JBJS. 2016 Jan 20;98(2):e6.

Yang BW, Iorio ML, Day CS. Orthopaedic device approval through the premarket approval process: a financial feasibility analysis for a single center. JBJS. 2017 Mar 15;99(6):e26.

Courtney PM, Darrith B, Bohl DD, Frisch NB, Della Valle CJ. Reconsidering the Affordable Care Act’s restrictions on physician-owned hospitals: analysis of CMS data on total hip and knee arthroplasty. JBJS. 2017 Nov 15;99(22):1888-94.

Molloy IB, Martin BI, Moschetti WE, Jevsevar DS. Effects of the length of stay on the cost of total knee and total hip arthroplasty from 2002 to 2013. The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume. 2017 Mar 1;99(5):402.

Cancienne JM, Brockmeier SF, Gulotta LV, Dines DM, Werner BC. Ambulatory total shoulder arthroplasty: a comprehensive analysis of current trends, complications, readmissions, and costs. JBJS. 2017 Apr 19;99(8):629-37.

Hamid KS, Nwachukwu BU, Bozic KJ. Decisions and incisions: a value-driven practice framework for academic surgeons. JBJS. 2017 May 17;99(10):e50.

Mercuri JJ, Iorio R, Zuckerman JD, Bosco JA. Ethics of total joint arthroplasty gainsharing. JBJS. 2017 Mar 1;99(5):e22.

Iorio R, Bosco J, Slover J, Sayeed Y, Zuckerman JD. Single institution early experience with the bundled payments for care improvement initiative. JBJS. 2017 Jan 4;99(1):e2.

Okike K, Pollak R, O’Toole RV, Pollak AN. “Red-Yellow-Green”: effect of an initiative to guide surgeon choice of orthopaedic implants. JBJS. 2017 Apr 5;99(7):e33.

Rajan PV, Qudsi RA, Wolf LL, Losina E. Cost-effectiveness analyses in orthopaedic surgery: Raising the bar. The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume. 2017 Jul 5;99(13):e71.

Mehlman CT, Okike K, Bhandari M, Kocher MS. Potential financial conflict of interest among physician editorial board members of orthopaedic surgery journals. JBJS. 2017 Mar 1;99(5):e19.

Bae DS, Lynch H, Jamieson K, Yu-Moe CW, Roussin C. Improved safety and cost savings from reductions in cast-saw burns after simulation-based education for orthopaedic surgery residents. JBJS. 2017 Sep 6;99(17):e94.

Barlow BT, McLawhorn AS, Westrich GH. The cost-effectiveness of dual mobility implants for primary total hip arthroplasty: a computer-based cost-utility model. JBJS. 2017 May 3;99(9):768-77.

Cunningham DJ, Paranjape CS, Harris JD, Nho SJ, Olson SA, Mather III RC. Advanced imaging adds little value in the diagnosis of femoroacetabular impingement syndrome. JBJS. 2017 Dec 20;99(24):e133.

Huang AL, Thavorn K, van Katwyk S, MacDonald P, Lapner P. Double-row arthroscopic rotator cuff repair is more cost-effective than single-row repair. JBJS. 2017 Oct 18;99(20):1730-6.

Nandyala SV, Giladi AM, Parker AM, Rozental TD. Comparison of direct perioperative costs in treatment of unstable distal radial fractures: open reduction and internal fixation versus closed reduction and percutaneous pinning. JBJS. 2018 May 2;100(9):786-92.

Shau D, Shenvi N, Easley K, Smith M, Bradbury T, Guild III G. Medicaid payer status is associated with increased 90-day morbidity and resource utilization following primary total hip arthroplasty: a propensity-score-matched analysis. JBJS. 2018 Dec 5;100(23):2041-9.

Palsis JA, Brehmer TS, Pellegrini VD, Drew JM, Sachs BL. The cost of joint replacement: comparing two approaches to evaluating costs of total hip and knee arthroplasty. JBJS. 2018 Feb 21;100(4):326-33.

Menendez ME, Lawler SM, Shaker J, Bassoff NW, Warner JJ, Jawa A. Time-driven activity-based costing to identify patients incurring high inpatient cost for total shoulder arthroplasty. JBJS. 2018 Dec 5;100(23):2050-6.

Pincus D, Wasserstein D, Ravi B, Huang A, Paterson JM, Jenkinson RJ, Kreder HJ, Nathens AB, Wodchis WP. Medical costs of delayed hip fracture surgery. JBJS. 2018 Aug 15;100(16):1387-96.

Lalezari RM, Pozen A, Dy CJ. State variation in Medicaid reimbursements for orthopaedic surgery. JBJS. 2018 Feb 7;100(3):236-42.

Cairns MA, Ostrum RF, Clement RC. Refining risk adjustment for the proposed CMS surgical hip and femur fracture treatment bundled payment program. JBJS. 2018 Feb 21;100(4):269-77.

Goldfarb CA, Rizzo MG, Rogalski BL, Bansal A, Dy CJ, Brophy RH. Complications following overlapping orthopaedic procedures at an ambulatory surgery center. The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume. 2018 Dec 19;100(24):2118.

Scott DJ, Labro E, Penrose CT, Bolognesi MP, Wellman SS, Mather III RC. The impact of electronic medical record implementation on labor cost and productivity at an outpatient orthopaedic clinic. JBJS. 2018 Sep 19;100(18):1549-56.

Coyle MJ, Roffey DM, Phan P, Kingwell SP, Wai EK. The Use of a Self-Administered Questionnaire to Reduce Consultation Wait Times for Potential Elective Lumbar Spinal Surgical Candidates: A Prospective, Pragmatic, Blinded, Randomized Controlled Quality Improvement Study. JBJS. 2018 Dec 19;100(24):2125-31.

Oetgen ME, Martin BD, Gordish-Dressman H, Cronin J, Pestieau SR. Effectiveness and sustainability of a standardized care pathway developed with use of lean process mapping for the treatment of patients undergoing posterior spinal fusion for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. JBJS. 2018 Nov 7;100(21):1864-70.

Flynn JM, Striano BM, Muhly WT, Kraus B, Sankar WN, Mehta V, Blum M, DeZayas B, Feldman J, Keren R. A dedicated pediatric spine deformity team significantly reduces surgical time and cost. JBJS. 2018 Sep 19;100(18):1574-80.

Swart E, Kates S, McGee S, Ayers DC. The case for comanagement and care pathways for osteoporotic patients with a hip fracture. JBJS. 2018 Aug 1;100(15):1343-50.

Waters PM, Yang BW, White D, Barth E, Chiang V, Mizrahi-Arnaud A, Sparks W. A dedicated satellite trauma orthopaedic program operating room safely increases capacity. JBJS. 2018 May 16;100(10):e70.

Buerba RA, Sheppard WL, Herndon KE, Gajewski N, Patel AD, Leong NL, Bernthal NM, SooHoo NF. Academic influence and its relationship to industry payments in orthopaedic surgery. JBJS. 2018 May 2;100(9):e59.

Boddapati V, Sachdev R, Fu MC, Camp CL, Marx RG, Dines JS. Increasing industry support is associated with higher research productivity in orthopaedic surgery. JBJS. 2018 Mar 21;100(6):e36.

Novikov D, Cizmic Z, Feng JE, Iorio R, Meftah M. The historical development of value-based care: How we got here. JBJS. 2018 Nov 21;100(22):e144.

Lieberman JR, Bozic KJ, Mallon WJ, Goldfarb CA. It is all about value now: the data you need to collect and how to do it: AOA critical issues. JBJS. 2018 Aug 15;100(16):e110.

Rajan PV, Qudsi RA, Dyer GS, Losina E. The cost-effectiveness of surgical fixation of distal radial fractures: a computer model-based evaluation of three operative modalities. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. American Volume. 2018 Feb 7;100(3):e13.

Kazarian GS, Lonner JH, Maltenfort MG, Ghomrawi HM, Chen AF. Cost-effectiveness of surgical and nonsurgical treatments for unicompartmental knee arthritis: a Markov model. JBJS. 2018 Oct 3;100(19):1653-60.

O’Hara NN, Mugarura R, Potter J, Stephens T, Rehavi MM, Francois P, Blachut PA, O’Brien PJ, Mezei A, Beyeza T, Slobogean GP. The socioeconomic implications of isolated tibial and femoral fractures from road traffic injuries in Uganda. JBJS. 2018 Apr 4;100(7):e43.

Hong TS, Tian A, Sachar R, Ray WZ, Brogan DM, Dy CJ. Indirect cost of traumatic brachial plexus injuries in the United States. JBJS. 2019 Aug 21;101(16):e80.

Hevesi M, Wyles CC, Yao JJ, Maradit-Kremers H, Habermann EB, Glasgow AE, Bews KA, Ransom JE, Visscher SL, Lewallen DG, Berry DJ. Revision total hip arthroplasty for the treatment of fracture: more expensive, more complications, same diagnosis-related groups: a local and national cohort study. JBJS. 2019 May 15;101(10):912-9.

Harris TG, Pyle C. Sharing Cost-Effective Alternatives for the Patient’s Benefit: Any Problem Can Be Solved with a Little Ingenuity: Commentary on an article by Hansel Gould B. Cocjin, MD, DPBO, et al.:“Wound-Healing Following Negative-Pressure Wound Therapy with Use of a Locally Developed AquaVac System as Compared with the Vacuum-Assisted Closure (VAC) System”. JBJS. 2019 Nov 20;101(22):e123.

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Malik AT, Bishop JY, Neviaser AS, Beals CT, Jain N, Khan SN. Shoulder arthroplasty for a fracture is not the same as shoulder arthroplasty for osteoarthritis: implications for a bundled payment model. JAAOS-Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 2019 Dec 15;27(24):927-32.

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Virkus WW, Wetzel RJ, McKinley TO, Sorkin AT, Cheesman JS, Hill LC, Kempton LB. Costs and radiographic outcomes of rotational ankle fractures treated by orthopaedic surgeons with or without trauma fellowship training. JAAOS-Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 2018 Jun 15;26(12):e261-8.

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Zmistowski, Benjamin MD; Padegimas, Eric M. MD; Howley, Michael PA-C, PhD; Abboud, Joseph MD; Williams, Gerald Jr MD; Namdari, Surena MD Trends and Variability in the Use of Total Shoulder Arthroplasty for Medicare Patients, Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: February 15, 2018 - Volume 26 - Issue 4 - p 133-141

doi: 10.5435/JAAOS-D-16-00720

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doi: 10.5435/JAAOS-D-16-00866

Bernstein, Joseph MD; Bernstein, James J.; Mehta, Samir MD; Hume, Eric L. MD; Schenker, Mara L. MD; Ahn, Jaimo MD, PhD Defining the Key Parts of a Procedure: Implications for Overlapping Surgery, Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: February 15, 2018 - Volume 26 - Issue 4 - p 142-147

doi: 10.5435/JAAOS-D-17-00381

Feder OI, Levy BJ, Gruson KI. Routine Plain Radiographs in the Setting of Atraumatic Shoulder Pain: Are They Useful?. JAAOS-Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 2018 Apr 15;26(8):287-93.

Black, Eric M. MD; Reynolds, John BA; Maltenfort, Mitchell G. PhD; Williams, Gerald R. MD; Abboud, Joseph A. MD; Lazarus, Mark D. MD Effect of Facility Ownership on Utilization of Arthroscopic Shoulder Surgery, Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: March 1, 2018 - Volume 26 - Issue 5 - p 177-185

doi: 10.5435/JAAOS-D-16-00782

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Patterson, Diana C. MD; Grelsamer, Ronald MD; Bronson, Michael J. MD; Moucha, Calin S. MD Lawsuits After Primary and Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Malpractice Claims Analysis, Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: October 2017 - Volume 25 - Issue 10 - p e235-e242

doi: 10.5435/JAAOS-D-16-00736

Truntzer, Jeremy N. MD; Triana, Brian BS; Harris, Alex H. S. PhD; Baker, Laurence PhD; Chou, Loretta MD; Kamal, Robin N. MD Cost-minimization Analysis of the Management of Acute Achilles Tendon Rupture, Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: June 2017 - Volume 25 - Issue 6 - p 449-457

doi: 10.5435/JAAOS-D-16-00553

Jubelt, Lindsay E. MD, MS; Goldfeld, Keith S. DrPH, MS, MPA; Blecker, Saul B. MD, MHS; Chung, Wei-Yi MS, ASN; Bendo, John A. MD; Bosco, Joseph A. MD; Errico, Thomas J. MD; Frempong-Boadu, Anthony K. MD; Iorio, Richard MD; Slover, James D. MD, MS; Horwitz, Leora I. MD, MHS Early Lessons on Bundled Payment at an Academic Medical Center, Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: September 2017 - Volume 25 - Issue 9 - p 654-663

doi: 10.5435/JAAOS-D-16-00626

Sethi, Rajiv MD; Yanamadala, Vijay MD; Burton, Douglas C. MD; Bess, Robert Shay MD Using Lean Process Improvement to Enhance Safety and Value in Orthopaedic Surgery: The Case of Spine Surgery, Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: November 2017 - Volume 25 - Issue 11 - p e244-e250

doi: 10.5435/JAAOS-D-17-00030

DePasse, John Mason MD; Sargent, Rachel BS; Fantry, Amanda J. MD; Bokshan, Steven L. MD; Palumbo, Mark A. MD; Daniels, Alan H. MD Assessment of Malpractice Claims Associated With Acute Compartment Syndrome, Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: June 2017 - Volume 25 - Issue 6 - p e109-e113

doi: 10.5435/JAAOS-D-16-00460

Fabricant, Peter D. MD, MPH; Seeley, Mark A. MD; Rozell, Joshua C. MD; Fieldston, Evan MD, MBA; Flynn, John M. MD; Wells, Lawrence M. MD; Ganley, Theodore J. MD Cost Savings From Utilization of an Ambulatory Surgery Center for Orthopaedic Day Surgery, Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: December 2016 - Volume 24 - Issue 12 - p 865-871

doi: 10.5435/JAAOS-D-15-00751

Gancarczyk, Stephanie M. MD; Jang, Eugene S. MD, MS; Swart, Eric P. MD; Makhni, Eric C. MD, MBA; Kadiyala, Rajendra Kumar MD, PhD Percutaneous Trigger Finger Release: A Cost-effectiveness Analysis, Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: July 2016 - Volume 24 - Issue 7 - p 475-482

doi: 10.5435/JAAOS-D-16-00042

Saleh, Khaled J. MD, MSc, FRCS(C), MHCM, CPE; Shaffer, William O. MD Understanding Value-based Reimbursement Models and Trends in Orthopaedic Health Policy: An Introduction to the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) of 2015, Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: November 2016 - Volume 24 - Issue 11 - p e136-e147

doi: 10.5435/JAAOS-D-16-00283

Lopez, Gregory MD; Martin, David F. MD; Wright, Rick MD; Jung, James MD; Hahn, Peter MD; Jain, Nickul MD; Bracey, Daniel N. MD; Gupta, Ranjan MD Construct Validity for a Cost-effective Arthroscopic Surgery Simulator for Resident Education, Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: December 2016 - Volume 24 - Issue 12 - p 886-894

doi: 10.5435/JAAOS-D-16-00191

Park, Kevin W. MD; Boyer, Martin I. MD, MSc; Gelberman, Richard H. MD; Calfee, Ryan P. MD, MSc; Stepan, Jeffrey G. MD, MSc; Osei, Daniel A. MD, MSc Simultaneous Bilateral Versus Staged Bilateral Carpal Tunnel Release: A Cost-effectiveness Analysis, Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: November 2016 - Volume 24 - Issue 11 - p 796-804

doi: 10.5435/JAAOS-D-15-00620



How to Cite

Thomas, N., Sandler, A., Fernandez, I., Simson, J., Tihista, M., Wells, M., & Childs, B. (2022). Orthopaedic Business is the Focus of 3.4% of Articles in Top General Orthopaedic Journals. Journal of Orthopaedic Business, 2(1), 10–18. https://doi.org/10.55576/job.v2i1.11

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