About the Journal

The Journal of Orthopaedic Business aims to improve the lives of patients and physicians by increasing the efficency of orthopaedic surgery.

We aim to publish Level IV or higer evidence that illuminates best practices in clinic management, operative techniques, staffing, and finance.

The Journal of Orthopaedic Business is committed to open access to facilitate the spread of best practices.

ISSN 2771-3040

Member of Crossref.org

DOI prefix: 10.55576

Peer Review Process and Editorial Decisions

Scientific articles and all other manuscripts submitted to JOB are first reviewed by our chief editors and/or deputy editors. The JOB relies on its editorial staff to determine article appropriateness, timeliness, and relevancy to orthopaedic surgery. In specific circumstances, they may be sent to an associate editor thereafter for specific expertise or to optimize workflow in the editorial process. Some manuscripts are rejected after such initial reviews. In most cases, articles are sent to two or more reviewers for double-blinded peer review. At no time are the identities of authors or reviewers disclosed to one another. After initial review, the corresponding chief editor and/or deputy editor will reject, return for revisions, or accept the manuscript based on the peer-reviewed responses.  

Collectively, JOB strives to follow the COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.

Authors reserve the right to appeal an editorial rejection by sending an email to the editorial office. The choice to uphold the initial decision, offer a chance at revision, or discuss the paper further amongst deputy editorial staff is under the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief (s).

Conflict of Interest

The Editor-in-Chief(s) certify that they have no commercial associations (consultancies, stock ownership, equity interest, patient/licensing arrangements, etc.) that might pose a conflict of interest in connection with the peer review process and final determination of each article.

All JOB deputy editors have disclosed any conflicts of interest to the Editor-in-Chief (s). Relevant conflicts are taken into consideration and may result in recusal from the editorial review process of involved article(s). In such circumstances, either another deputy editor or associate editor with pertinent expertise is chosen to serve as an acting/handling editor of the involved article(s).

Reviewers, associate editors, and/or invited parties during the review process may have a conflict of interest or a competing interest regarding the subject matter of a manuscript. Such conflicts are to be disclosed to the Editor-in-Chief(s) and/or handling editor as early in the review process as possible. If warranted, the article(s) will be reassigned to another invited individual who has demonstrated expertise in the subject matter.

Authors are required to reveal any conflicts of interest when they submit the manuscript. The information contained in the disclosure statement has no bearing on the editorial decision to publish a manuscript. A summary of the statements selected by the author(s) will be printed with the published article. Similarly, all funding sources must be disclosed in the manuscript text at the time of submission and will be printed with the published article.

Policies on Publication and Copyright

Material appearing in JOB is covered by copyright. All authors agree to Copyright Transfer upon submission of the manuscript. Published articles and illustrations become the property of JOB. Exceptions are made for certain illustrations and videos, with appropriate documentation and must be requested for at the time of submission with written mutual agreement.

If published material is found to be fraudulent or to contain falsified of data, or if other evidence is found to indicate that material is in violation of ethical standards, JOB follows the COPE guidelines to determine the appropriate action.

Data Sharing

The journal encourages authors to share the data and other artefacts supporting the results in the paper by archiving it in an appropriate public repository. Authors may provide a data availability statement, including a link to the repository they have used, in order that this statement can be published in their paper. Shared data should be cited. All accepted manuscripts may elect to publish a data availability statement to confirm the presence or absence of shared data. 

Advertising Policy

All advertisements and commercially sponsored publications are independent from editorial decisions. Journal of Orthopaedic Business does not endorse any product or service marked as an advertisement or promoted by a sponsor in Journal of Orthopaedic Business publications.
Editorial content is not compromised by commercial or financial interests, or by any specific arrangements with advertising clients or sponsors.

Journal of Orthopaedic Business reserves the right to decline any type of advertising that is damaging to the brand of Journal of Orthopaedic Business or is inappropriate to the content held on the Journal of Orthopaedic Business network.

Journal of Orthopaedic Business will not accept advertising for products or services known to be harmful to health (e.g. tobacco and alcohol products).

Advertisements may not be deceptive or misleading and must be verifiable.

Advertisements should clearly identify the advertiser and the product or service being offered. Exaggerated or extravagantly worded copy will not be allowed. Advertisements will not be accepted if they appear to be indecent or offensive in either text or artwork, or if they relate to content of a personal, racial, ethnic, sexual orientation, or religious nature.

Once an advertisement has been deployed online, it will be withdrawn from the journal site at any time if the Editor(s)-in-Chief or Publisher request its removal.

Journal of Orthopaedic Business will not allow any treatment-specific or drug-specific campaign to be targeted to a specific article(s) or on any page where content relates to the product(s) being advertised. (Advertisers may not link to articles using keywords; they may not target advertising for a specific product on the condition that it appear in the same location and at the same time as a specific article mentioning that product and they may not refer to an article published at the same time as the advertisement appears).

Advertisers should make available to Journal of Orthopaedic Business the marketing authorization and summary of product characteristics when submitting their advertisement. In the case of drug advertisements, the full generic name of each active ingredient should appear. Each page of an advertisement for a prescription-only medicine should be clearly labeled as intended for health professionals.

All advertisements for drug specific campaigns should encourage correct and rational use and must not be misleading.

Advertisements and editorial content must be clearly distinguishable. Journal of Orthopaedic Business will not publish “advertorial” content, and sponsored supplements must be clearly indicated as such.

Editorial decisions will not be influenced by current or potential sponsors and advertisers, and will not be influenced by marketing decisions. Advertisers and sponsors have no control or influence over the results of searches a user may conduct on the website by keyword or search topic.

If any advert is requested outside of Journal of Orthopaedic Business standard advertising positions, then a request should be made to editorial who will respond with a full and final decision within five business days.

Information about complaints concerning advertisements should be submitted to the Editorial Office.

Advertising complaints policy

Please send any complaints about advertising to: BenRChilds@JOrthoBusiness.org

For any corrections please email BenRChilds@JOrthoBusiness.org and we will respond to resolve as soon as possible.

Thank you.