Anchor Down: The Cost of Surgical Anchors




Anchor, Cost, Surgical Cost


Objectives: The purpose of this study is to quantify individual surgical anchor cost based on currently published literature.

Design: Systematic literature review.

Main outcome measurement: Surgical Anchor Cost

Results: Pubmed search produced 297 articles regarding “anchor AND cost OR value” of which 7 had novel estimates for cost of a surgical anchor. The estimate for surgical anchor cost was found to be $578 ± $220.

Conclusion: Data extrapolated in this systematic review showed anchor cost to be $578 on average with a standard deviation of $220. With the paucity of data and heterogeneity of values analyzed in this report, this value cannot be used as a truly reliable estimate for cost. Continuing research into the costs of medical implants and equipment is imperative as the industry only continues to grow.

Level of Evidence: IV; Systematic Review of level IV or higher evidence

Keywords: Business, management, human resources, cost, value, efficiency.

(J Ortho Business 2023; Volume 3, Issue: Pages)


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How to Cite

Bacak, C., Zisling, H., Sandler, A., Tompkins, R., Childs, B., & Parnes, N. (2023). Anchor Down: The Cost of Surgical Anchors. Journal of Orthopaedic Business, 3(2), 13–15.

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